


School of Computer Science (hereinafter referred 🌌to as SCS) at Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter referred to as NPU) is a research-oriented school integrating teaching and scientific research. Established in 1958, SCS has one of the earliest computer science majors in Chinese universities.

SCS has two first-leveಌl disciplines of Computer Science and Technology and Software Engi🎃neering, and Computer Application Technology is the first computer discipline in the western region and the only key computer discipline in the northwestern region. In the Ministry of Education's fourth round of discipline evaluations, SCS’s Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering disciplines were ranked at A- and B+ respectively. Computer Science discipline is listed in the top 1% of global ESI disciplines.

Over the past six decades, oriented by the frontier of computer science and technology and the national demands, SCS is committed to cultivating talen꧃ts with the characteristics of interdisciplinary, innovation, and leadership, and constructing a national leading and world famous high-level discipline, so as to become a base for high-level talents cultivation and innovative scientific research in its discipline to support national defense construction and regi𝔍onal economy and social development of “One belt, One Road” areas.

Signed an agreement on scientific research and personnel training with the Free University of Brussels Signed an agreement on scientific research and personnel training with the Free University of Brussels, Signed an agreement on scientific research and personnel training with the Free University of Brussels,Signed an agreement on scientific research an
2 Signed an agreement on scientific research and personnel training with the Free University of Brussels Signed an agreement on scientific research and personnel training with the Free University of BrusselsSigned an agreement
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