

The Red navigation

Adhering to the "all for students, for all students, for students’ all" work idea, School of Computer Science (SCS) carries out the ideological and political dream building program, expand the stage for international exchanges, deepen school-enterprise cooperation and collaborative training,🦩 vigorously develop the awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship, and constantly enrich campus cultural life to cultivate high-quality top-notch innovative talents.

1. The Red navigation

Guided by the student party construction work and its "Eight Regulations", through big data and cloud computing techniques we seize the network ideological and political position a﷽nd implement the red navigation, ideological and political dream plan in the form that꧟ the students like to strengthen the students' ideal and faith.

Red Nಌavigation and Ideological Shaping Tra🙈ining Activity

Educational activityꦿ on the Theme of the Chinese Dream

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