

Quality Education

Led by the idea of “public entrepreneurship and innovation”, SCS emphasizes on cultivating students’consciousness, improving the environment, enhancing students' ability, and promꦆoting practices in innovationand entrepreneurship. And relying on the related national platforms, a number of university-level demonstration innovation and entrepreneurship bases have been built.We will continue to broaden the stage for students to practice and exchange, and deepen school-enterprise cooperation by cooperating with Tencent, ATL and other companies to set up student clubs, and establish internship and practice bases in the national defense and military industrial institutes, the world's top 500 enterprises, and well-known Internet enterprises to carry out internship and practice work. SCS acti🐼vely hosted the 10th International Doctoral Forum, "Microsoft AI Thousand Training Camp" activities, “Network Security Phospherus” Knowledge Contests, Turing Culture Festival of Northwestern Polytechnical University, “Sanhang Cup” Aerobics Competition and other activities. In these ways, SCS explores the new mode of talents cultivation, and constantly promote students work into a new stage, so as to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education.





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